• May 16, 2022

How to learn mandarin online?

Among the Chinese dialects, Mandarin is the most widely spoken. With 70% of Chinese speakers dispersed across a large geographic area. The North China Plain is more accessible to travel and communicate with than the more mountainous south, and Mandarin has recently spread to border areas. Our Chinese courses are meticulously planned and held on Orchard Road, in the heart of Singapore. They are aimed at adult Mandarin learners and cover a wide range of levels and objectives.

We have an online mandarin course to help you achieve your personal goals, regardless of how well you speak Chinese now or why you want to improve. Mandarin instructors will evaluate your abilities.


How are these classes beneficial?

Weekly small classes are held once a week over 12 weeks. The pace of the classes is slow, with plenty of time for revision. A one-on-one session is available with a flexible schedule and location. We focus on the practical aspects of the language, such as how to converse and communicate effectively in Chinese. This is organized and divided into six sub-levels, meaningfully divided into context and scope.

Singapore will appear to be a completely different place once you’ve completed our Chinese conversational course. In various social and professional settings, you’ll be able to communicate in Mandarin and learn mandarin online. A learner of average aptitude can reach level 2 in Spanish or French in 15 weeks, but it takes about 50 weeks for a learner to reach the same level in Chinese. To become fully fluent in Mandarin, set aside 230 weeks.